If only you were the first to do this...
Then you might have had some valid statement to make with your 'only one play' thing. Since that isn't the case, the phony artistry value of that is lost (if it ever existed in the first place).
But man, I've seen this before. Several times now. It just doesn't have any real impact anymore.
The plot was ok. It was cliche, somewhat anti-scientific in its sentiments and patently absurd, but I can forgive that. I can't as easily forgive the purely linear nature of the man's last 6 days of life or the fact that the characters really lacked any kind of relatability. The only thing this offers is "The world is doomed and YOU are responsible for it." I don't feel responsible for it though because it was just so fake feeling. You are pushes slowly forward, occasionally given the ability to pick among A or B, and that's the whole of the game.
But really, the whole 'don't play more than once' thing is so annoying. If you want to tell a story, tell a story. Don't rope people around with a self destructing choose your own adventure book. If your game has the merits to stand on its own without having to hide behind its 10 minutes of freshness, it doesn't really benefit from that kind of nonsense.